Authentic atheism

Bob Kowalski
4 min readJun 28, 2024


We have a very serious philosophical problem: what does it mean to be something? Just call yourself without understanding the claims you are trying to defend? At the very least, you need to explain your position and explain what you believe without contradicting yourself. Being something implies that you live up to the label you choose for yourself. You must also be consistent in how you behave and explain your decisions. It also involves being mindful and aware of the ways in which your decisions will affect those around you.

Then there is the problem of defining the meaning of atheism. Forget my friends for a moment the etymological definitions that you were indoctrinated to fervently follow. There are those who, despite claiming to be an atheist, believe in astrology, or reincarnation, or supernatural things and always justify themselves with the (sad) “argument” that “an atheist doesn’t believe in God, I can believe the rest”. Absurd? Yes, indeed, but these “atheists” (or those who mistakenly see themselves as such, perhaps because they have not yet reflected on their beliefs) exist. I don’t see them as atheists, they are irrational people, they are not real atheists, they are ignorant, irrational people who commit an etymological fallacy, they use dictionary definitions, but such definitions can and will one day change, it is always a gross mistake not to consider that The meaning of words can change over time, due to several factors such as phonetic evolution, social and cultural changes, and contact with other languages… Because it is the target of political interests, the definition of atheism is controversial, individuals who are irrational and dishonest do not realize, or deny the fact that human knowledge is a structure, a network of ideas, so propositions cannot exist in isolation without imply thousands of other propositions. The proposition that “god does not exist” has several philosophical implications, both in the political and existential field, as well as in ethics and morals; atheism should be defined as a materialist and humanist ideology. Atheism is not just disbelief in gods but disbelief in the supernatural, this means that the atheist does not believe in spirits, does not believe in anything that violates the laws of physics. Atheism is the equivalent of materialism, being anything requires a standard to be followed, the standard for atheism is materialism and humanism. Everything in life has a political meaning, materialism applied in politics implies humanist and progressive positions. Therefore, this is where I separate the wheat from the chaff, there is no right-wing atheist. And there is no atheistic religion, because atheism is the anti-region. Authentic atheism goes beyond a simple denial of belief in gods, requiring a deeper theoretical, practical and ethical approach to philosophy. The statement that “atheism is just disbelief in gods” implies the fallacy of composition. This fallacy occurs when someone assumes that the characteristics of the individual parts automatically apply to the whole. In the case of atheism, stating that it is “just disbelief in gods” is radical reductionism. Atheism is a comprehensive position influenced by diverse ideas, philosophical arguments, personal experiences, and reflections on the existence or non-existence of deities. The fallacy of composition arises when one generalizes the narrow definition of atheism, “just disbelief in gods” to all atheists, ignoring the diversity of reasons why people adopt this position.Human beings do not adopt atheism based on a single isolated idea. On the contrary, the decision to be an atheist can be influenced by several factors, such as: Philosophical arguments against the existence of gods. Personal experiences, including traumatic events, religious education, and interactions with religious communities. Reflections on the nature of the universe, morality and the meaning of life. Scientific studies and knowledge about the functioning of the natural world. Therefore, considering atheism as a single, isolated belief does not reflect the real complexity of the reasons why people identify as atheists. In short, the fallacy of composition occurs when you oversimplify a complex position, such as atheism, by reducing it to a single idea or narrow definition. Recognizing the diversity of reasons why people adopt atheism is fundamental to understanding this philosophy. Atheism does not need to be considered a set of negative propositions, theism is not the standard in philosophy and we could say that theism is just a negation of atheism. Atheism is a complete and robust worldview in its own right, with its own foundations and principles. The most basic propositions for an atheistic worldview do not even mention any form of gods. Materialism can be defined as:

1- Matter is an eternal and immutable substance.

2- Biological evolution is the mechanism that explains the diversity of life.

3- Consciousness emerges from matter as a result of a singular event in the universe.

4- The enormous amount of suffering in the world indicates that matter is unconscious.

